"She simply never gives up."
"She simply never gives up."
Bernadette and Catharina are the founders and CEOs of cicé. In this interview, they explain how they got to know each other and why they have been working so well together for years. The team came up with the idea and the questions were also collected from the team itself. We hope you enjoy reading it!
How did you get to know each other?
Bernadette: It was before I graduated from high school, at the open day at the university where we both applied. Catharina approached me and asked if we wanted to start a shared flat during our studies. Nothing more, just that. I said yes straight away. Looking back, I find it incredible that we both decided to live together without even having spoken to each other for five minutes.
Catharina: Yes, that really is incredible. Sometimes it's just right to listen to your gut feeling.

What is the best thing about running your own company?
Bernadette: For me, definitely the freedom to be creative. We also both enjoy taking responsibility for others - in this case, for our team.
Catharina: Definitely the fact that you can see so many different areas and how they interact with each other. I couldn't imagine working in a big company where I could only see and influence one area.
The cosmetics market is huge and highly competitive. In the past few years, we have seen many cosmetics brands come and go - did you face a challenge that made you want to throw in the towel and how did you motivate yourself again?
Bernadette: I personally don't remember that. Of course, it took a long time until cicé was profitable and sometimes we didn't know how the company was going to survive the next month. But Catharina and I both come from entrepreneurial families and grew up with this attitude to life. We both have a lot of stamina. And we take a lot of things with humor; that helps.
Catharina: I can't remember a specific moment either. But it helps to be together in difficult situations. I think that whenever one of us had doubts, the other motivated her to keep going.

What advice would you give other female founders?
Catharina: You hear this question a lot and I find it difficult to answer. I think the most important thing is to have the courage to start. Of course, you can prepare for a start-up with market analyses and business plans. But in the end, many things turn out differently and then you have to trust yourself to be able to deal with them.
Bernadette: That's right, you need courage - and the right partner or team. You need to take a close look and keep questioning whether the collaboration is working. Many start-ups fail because the interpersonal relationships are not right. Then you need courage again: to separate and reposition yourself.
How did you know that you could run a business together?
Catharina: We lived together during our studies and went on two big trips. We also experienced situations that weren't easy and got to know each other very differently than friends who only see each other on dates. We had to talk about money right from the start and also distribute or do unpleasant tasks together. That definitely helps you to assess whether you can work together.
Bernadette: At the beginning of our studies, we wrote a term paper together. Studying at the International Business School started with a lot of pressure and we were both caught off guard. We had to write the term paper in one night to be able to hand it in on time and we had never written anything together before. And then it went off without a hitch, we were totally in the flow. I remember thinking that I had never worked so well with someone before. That feeling has always stayed with me.

What do you appreciate most about the other one?
Catharina: What I appreciate most about Berna is her incredible creativity. Just when I think I've exhausted everything, she comes up with a new idea. And Berna is solution-oriented. If something is bothering her, if something is not quite right in her private life or in the company, she addresses it immediately and usually already has an idea for a solution in mind. She also has a wide range of interests and conversations with her are always inspiring.
Bernadette: That's true about the ideas, but Catharina definitely has the greater stamina. She simply never, never, never gives up. I find that totally impressive. She's also completely unpretentious and always puts herself at the service of the cause or the community. But the best thing of all is that she is always friendly and cheerful and I can laugh incredibly well with her.
Has your business relationship ever really been put to the test?
Bernadette: Every relationship is put to the test again and again, but it has never been critical for us - at least in my opinion. We have very similar values and are very similar in character. That's why we always quickly come to a common point - regardless of whether it's a crisis in the company or a difference of opinion.
Catharina: Exactly, we are very similar, but we have very different strengths. As a result, different areas of responsibility have emerged relatively quickly in which we don't get in each other's way. That helps. We also have absolute trust in each other. I believe that when mistrust arises, it becomes critical, just like in any other relationship.
More information on cicé can be found here.